Tuesday, 25 August 2009

School years

Rouhi Rafiee near the school bell.

School friends, Bam

Rouhi Rafiee, a photo she took in a studio.

High school, Bam

Rouhi Rafiee & I on the stair to the upper floor of school.

Bam, school years

Distinguished guests after a school event. My aunt who was a primary school principal is invited as well. From left standing is my aunt. Sitting is Nosrat khanum Razavi, our very trendy principal. The Razavis, Nosrat & Akhtar were two sisters who were married to two brothers. Both sisters were famous for their strong personality and character.

Parvin High school, Bam, 1957

I am coming down the stairs wearing a white apron. Every once in a while we had home economy classes where we would make cakes and sweets. Our school sometimes turned it into an event and invited distinguished parents and education authorities for an afternoon of speeches and food tasting.

Ladies in their best outfit and Sahba Ansari, the daughter of one of the famous Bami aristocrats is reading something.

High school years, Bam

The entire class with our PE teacher after a game of vollyball.
Below: a group photo with Soheila at the front, 1957.

High school years, Bam

A group of us in Parvin High, late 1958.

High school years, Bam, 1957

Some time, somewhere which I don't remember, this picture was taken in 1957. Parvin High School didn't have trees or shrubs as it shows in this picture and I wonder where it was that Rouhi Rafiee(on the right), I, Jaleh Amanpour and the other girl whom I have forgotten her name) have gathered to pose for the photo. Rouhi was cousin to Dariush Rafiee, a famous Singer at the time. Bam had a number of aristocratic families. Rafiees were one of them, though they lived elsewhere, mainly in Tehran. Rouhi herself was in Bam temporarily. shortly after hight school finished I lost touch and never heard of her again.

High school photos, Bam, 1956

Parvin High. From left: Pouran in girlscott dress, Soheila and Golrokh.

Pouran, Soheila & I.

High school photos, 1956

Parvin high. From left: Hakimeh, I and Zarintaj Foroumand.
From left: Hakimeh, Zahra Asadpour and I

High school phtos, Bam

Jaleh Amanpour & I, 1957. In memory of the wonderful academic years, we have written!

High school photos

A bunch of us high school girls in the school yard. From left standing: Jaleh Amanpour, Zahra Asadpour. Sitting: Kahimek, me and the two girls I have forgotten their names.

High school years

Turan Asadzadeh & I, 1956. Rooftop of Parvin High school. Me & Turan were very close for a while, then our attention shifted to other friendships and we soon fell apart.

Migration to Bam

I was sent to Bam in 1954 to continue my education. In Jiroft, there were no high schools for girls. So, it was either I stayed and was married off to a local landowner's boy soon, or leave my family to continue my studies. It was a bold and hard decision for my parents, especially my mother. I was the eldest child and very close to her but she knew that by keeping me in Jiroft she will ruin my chances of getting a proper education. On the other hand, it was generous of my aunt and her husband to have me there as it was a big responsibility. But I was happy to leave Jiroft and be with my grandma and study in a place which had more opportunities than Jiroft. I started school in an automn day. Initially I felt lonely but soon I found a friend who accompanied me to school ever day of the nine months of year for 6 years. Akhtar Bahri's who was some years my senior and their house was close to my aunt's house. Every morning, she knocked at the door and we walked in slow paces, passing by a boys' high school and evaluating the boys from the corner of our eyes and deciding which one we preferred! Akhtar was keen on the boys socks while I preferred their hair style! We had our admirers as well but we wouldn't dare to go beyond the occasional peeping. It was a scandal in those days to talk to the boys on the street. The only person who dared to do that and no one blamed her was a Tehrani girls, Soheila Shokuri who had come to Bam temporarily with his brother, who had got a posting in one of the government offices. Soheila joined us in our fourth year. Being familiar with the business of getting boyfriends, she soon involved all of us in her advanturous plots where we were mere onlookers. Me memory of the 6 years in Bam are full of happiness, teenage friendships, competitions and rivareries. I rarely missed home since my grandma was all I wanted and she was there for me. My whole universe was there. I moved to Tehran in the early 1960s to attend the university.

Monday, 24 August 2009

New year in Bam

A photo to remember. New Year 1959. From left: my brother, Mehdi who was very mischievous, aunt Iran, Zarin & Simin(back), mum, Fati, me and Soraya Irani. That new year remained in our memory as one of the happiest ever. We played and enjoyed our reunion and my memory of those gone two weeks is full of total happiness as I had my whole family with me.

New Year in Bam

New Year 1959, Bam, my aunts house. From left: my mother in a velvet dress, aunt Iran and Soraya Irani.

A photo to remember, 1957

This photo was taken in Showkat khanum's house. She was my aunt's sister-in-law. From left standing: Showkat, aunt, me in school uniform and grandma. Sitting: my three cousins. Showkat khanum lived in the extended household with her parents where my aunt joined after she got married and moved to Bam. She and my aunt did not have good relations at first. But after she was married off to a man much older that her they stayed in good terms. Although they didn't have any children, they lived a happy life. Showkat khanum who was a very modern, well-dressed woman turned religious after the revolution and gave away all her wealth to religious charities. She still lives in Tehran but suffers from dimentia.

New Year, 1959

New Year 1959 in Bam. Being very special to my grandma, she urged Mr Sadjadi to take this photo of me. We have just got up from around the Sofreh which we used to derocrate for the hour the year changed from old to new and grandma took the green from the sofreh and put it on the table for me to pose. Radio Andria can be seen in the background. The dress I am wearing was lemon with black flowers. Grandma used to give me her pearl necklace to hold in my hand during the year turning time for good omen. By this ritual, she believed I would be rich some day!

Aunt Iran's family

Aunt Iran's family: Mehdi, Mr Sadjadi, Aunti, Fati and Zarin.

Bam & New year 1959

Narmashir palm groves and we posing for the photo.

Another family outing

The 1959 new year was very special. It was my family's turn to come to Bam. Apart from them, one of Mr Sadjadi's relatives, Soraya Irani was there as well. From left: cousin Mehdi, Zarin, Soraya, my sister Simin, little Fati, aunt Iran and I. We had gone to Narmashir, a village outside Bam which grew palm trees and its dates were famous round the world.

Zarin & I

This again is Zarin and I outside Jiroft in 1959.

On the way from Jiroft

This photo was taken in spring after we were returning from Jiroft. We used to spend the new years together, my mother and aunt Iran and grandma and obviously the whole lot of us. I was living with my aunt and studying in Bam so after we enjoyed the new year with my family we are on our way back. The photo was taken in 1957. It was in the outsirkts of Jiroft, Fati on my left and Zarin on my right. Then we were a very close knit family and I loved my cousins like my own siblings.

A family picnic in the outskirts of Bam.

Part of my family in the outskirts of Bam. From left: Mr Sadjadi, aunt Iran, my mother, grandma and Badri khanum, my mother's youngset uncle's wife. The baby is my cousin Mehdi who is 60 now. The photo was taken about 59 years ago!

While in Bam, we used to go picnicing a lot. Mr Sadjadi had bought a jeep and often took the whole family and guests out of town. Being very skinny, I was squeezed at the driver's side to save space for many who themselves would squeeze for space. Mr Sadjadi would sometimes go deer hunting with his male relatives at night and bring a number of hunt back which my aunt and grandma would supervise their distribution among relatives and neighbours.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Spring 1958, Jiroft

This photo was taken in the spring of 1958 in Jiroft. My mother holding my dad's rifle, my aunt Iran and I in the outskirts of town. Now I was old enough to be included in the adults circle. It must have been a moment of total closeness and delight. The way mum has leaned on her sister and I look happy. Where are the rest of the clan? Nowhere to be seen. Wish my gandma was in the photo then our union of three generations would have been complete.

My aunt's house in Bam

This is the most interesting photos of all. Taken in Bam in the courtyard of my aunt's house, from left standing: aunt Iran, her younger sister-in-law Eshrat and the older sister-in-law Showkat.
Sitting: left my grandmother Bibi Atieh and my aunt's mother-in-law Bibi Sadjadi. all seem to have dressed for an occasion. As long as I remember, Bibi Sadjadi used to shave her eyebrows and use eyebrow pencil instead. She had thin, dark lips because of addiction to opium. This picture was taken in the early 1950s. Behind them is an orange tree which I remember vividely and the big pond in the middle of the courtyard. The many rooms where my aunt, grandma and her mother-in-law lived are set around the courtyard. The corridor behind Showkat led to the back of the house which was an orange and palm grove in the middle of which ran a brook whose origins were the subterranian waters in the deserts surrounding Bam. The 2 photos below: Left: my aunt Iran's mother -in-law and Showkat khanum her daughter. Right: Mr Sadjadi and two sisters: Showkat and Eshrat khanums.

My parents & aunt Iran and her husband

A photo taken a short while after my aunt's marriage. My father on the left has tried to look like city boys but comparing with my aunt's husband?............
The photo has be taken in mid-1940s.

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My mother

My mother in her early thirties.

In Bam with cousins

In the orange and palm groves of Bam. Me & my cousins, Zarin about 10
years and Fati 6 or 7 years old.

Various outings in Bam: New Year 1954.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Now Rooz in Jiroft

Two photos taken in Jiroft. It is during the Nowrooz time(our New Year).On the right, Manuchehr & I in the wheat farms outside town. He must have been about 14 years of age. The photo on the left shows Manuchehr (about 10), me, aunt Iran and Fati who is about 7 at the time. Photo was taken about 50 years ago. As my little family split between Bam & Jiroft, they decided to come together each new year. One year in Jiroft and the next in Bam. We children were looking forward to these re-union of my mother and aunt and above all my dearest grandma who for most of the time lived with my aunt. My mother missed her dearly and cherished every moment they were together. I remember the first thing they did when the bus would sto and they disembark was the gush of tears and the crying of all three in each other's arms. We were left alone to roam the gardens and play as much as we want while my aunt & mum and grandma would sit and chat and tried to catch up the lost times.
نوروز در جیرفت
عکس اول من و برادر ناکامم منوچهر در گند مزارهای اطراف جیرفت. عکس دوم بترتیب از چپ منوچهر با اداهای بچگانه، من و خاله ایران و فاطی که باید حدود 7 سالش باشد. نفر بعدی را بخاطر نمیاورم. از انجائی که خانواده کوچک مادرم با ازدواج مادر و خاله از هم جدا شدند قرار گذاردند که هر نوروز بنوبت دور هم جمع شوند. یکسال در بم و یکسال در جیرفت. جدائی برای مادرم بسیار سخت بود چونکه نه تنها خواهر را از دست داده بود بلکه مادر بزرگ نیز با خاله زندگی میکرد و مادرم از دوری او بسیار رنج میبرد. هر بهار هنگامی که اتوبوس می ایستاد و انها پیاده میشدند مدتی در اغوش هم زار میگریستند و ما بچه ها نیز این رسم را در سالهای بعد تکرار میکردیم. زمانی که من از خانه دور بودم و برای تعطیل باز میگشتم بیاد دارم که منوچهر را بغل میکردم و زار میزدم. او همیشه میگفت چه شده که گریه میکنی.

Aunt Iran & her husband

Aunt Iran in their house in Bam.

This photo must have been taken shortly after my aunt's marriage.

Aunt Iran in her prime

Aunt Iran, few years after marriage. She was beautiful and very modern.

Mr Sadjadi, Zarin & Mehdi

زنده یاد اقای سجادی و زرین و مهدی دختر خاله و پسر خاله. اقای سجادی همیشه شیک پوش بود و از جوانان مدرن دوره خود بحساب میامد
Mr Sadjadi, Zarun and Mehdi, my cousins. The photo must have been taken some 60 years ago. Little Zarin is three and Mehdi a few months old. As our family split after my mother and aunt Iran's marriage, we moved to Jiroft and they moved to Bam.

In Jiroft where we lived for some years

A family photo outside the house in Jiroft. My mother, I (8 years old), Simin (4 years old) and Manuchehr ( about 18 months).
Photo taken around 60 years ago.
عکس در جیرفت حدود 60 سال پیش. مادرم با من که حدود 8 سال داشتم، خواهرم سیمین، 4 ساله و منوچهر یکسال نیمه یا دو ساله.
We moved to Jiroft when I was in my third year of primary school. First it seemed like a nomadic life as Jiroft was no more than a big village with no proper houses or streets and so on. Every body lived in a plot of land in wooden huts. When we obtained our plot, my mother made my father to build a proper house. the land was big about 10,000 square meters and we build the house right in the middle. Four rooms, two at each side of a long hall which in later years turned into a reception room. A toilet in the far end of the garden and no baths. We had to go to the public bath which was close by. My mother designed the plot and turned it into a beautiful orange grove. A lane led to the gate at the far end, along which she planted daffodiles and tuberoses and just near the gate two weeping willows. This photo is taken in happy days. I remember the colour patterns on my mother's dress; violet, a passionate violet colour. I loved it when she had that dress on. With those two braids and the nice dress I look nice for an 8 year. Little Manuchehr is very serious then. And Simin looks good. Good old days!
On the photo above I am with the same floral dress as my mum. She used to change dresses to fit us when she was tired of them, or minw to fit my sister!
زمانی که من کلاس سوم ابتدائی بودم خانواده ما به جیرفت نقل مکان کرد. در ان زمان جیرفت ده یزررگی بود که فاقد خیابان و کوچه و خانه های مدرن بود. هرکس که قطعه زمینی داشت در ان الاچیق و کلبه درست میکرد و زندگی بسییار ابتدائی بود. پس از انکه پدرم قطعه زمینی در شهر جیرفت که سبزوارانش مینامیدند بدست اورد، باصرار مادرم خانه ای در ان بنا کرد با خشت وا جر این ساختمان در وسط زمین قرار داشت: چهار اطاق در دو طرف یک سالن بزرگ که بعدها انرا در گذاشتند و به اطاق پذیرائی مبدل شد. مادرم با تلاش فراوان ان قطعه زمین ده هزار متری را به باغ پر از پرتقال و مرکبات تبدیل کرد. باغی با خیابانی منتهی به درب خانه در اخر زمین که در اطراف ان گلهای نرگس و مریم در بهار فضا را عطراگین میکردند و دو بید مجنون نزدیک به درب که با قد برافراشته و زیبا ما را از دید مستقبم افراد پنهان میکردند. عکس بالا زمانی گرفته شده است که مادرم لباس جدید خود را در بر کرده است و ما هم مرتب و تمیز هستیم

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Iran, Kerman, 1944, wedding photo

Aunt Iran wedding photo, 1944.
عکس عروسی خاله ایران، 1323
The picturs is taken in an official mode. The location seems to be the wide corridor of the house. Old Kermani houses used to have long corridors (dalan) from the main door leading to the courtyard. These were shady passages which were freezing cold in winters and delightfully cool in hot summers. Children loved to play hide and seek in these dalans. In this photo, a carpet had been spread to protect the bride's long veil. Everything is perfet and modern as if the photo had been taken yesterday and not 64 years ago. The groom's dress and tie, the bride's dress, the viel and bouquet in her hand!
عکس عروسی خاله ایران که احتمالا بلا فاصله بعد از مراسم گرفته شده است. بنظر میرسد که عکس در دالان خانه گرفته شده است. زیر پای عروس و داماد قالی پهن کرده اند تا تور سر عروس زیبائی خود را نشان دهد . همه چیز در این عکس حکایت از مدرن بودن عروس و داماد دارد: لباس و گل دست خاله ایران، کت و شلوار دامادی داماد و ان کراوات زیبا! انتخاب دالای را نمیشود حدس زد اما حتما حکمتی در کار بوده است!

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Iran,Bam, family photo

Aunt Iran holding a vase.
خاله ایران

My aunt Iran with permed hair has posed for this photo. I'm not sure of the date or location it had been taken; Kerman, Bam? I don't remember the room but the tablecloth is a handicraft called Pateh in Kermani. Women who master at making Pateh, spend months needling on wool materials, usually in burgendy or white colours to crteate an ocean of designs. In the old days a few pieces of Pateh; tablecloth or duvet cover was an integral part of every bride to take to her husband's home.
My mother (right) and khaleh Iran both with permed hair!
خاله ایران خود را برای این عکس اراسته است: موها با فر ششماهه و گلدان در دست. رو میزی پته و سایر تزئینات اطاق به اینکه این عکس در کجا گرفته شده است کمکی نمیکند. ای در کرمان است یا بم؟
بهر رو زیباست و خاطره برانگیز!

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Iran, Kerman, family photo, my aunt's wedding

Aunt Iran her husband Davoud Sadjadi & her mother, Bi Bi Atieh, 1944

ایستاده: داود سجادی تازه داماد، نو عروس و نشسته بی بی عطیه.

Aunt Iran on her wedding day. Standing: her husband, Davoud Sadjadi, Aunti Iran with that happy smile and beautiful outfit. Sitting, her mother Bi bi Atieh. Unlike my mother, Afagh who was married off to my father without her consent, aunt Iran met her futire husband at her will and after a year courting they decided to get married. Davoud khan who was originallky from the city of Bam, was also a school teacher. He was a well-dressed and modern man for his time and in the first years of their marriage brought much hasppiness to the family.


عکس خاله ایران نشان از شادی وافر اوست. بعکس مادرم افاق که بدون زضایت بازدواج پدرم در امد، خاله ایران با داود خان سجادی در محیط مدرسه اشنا شد و ازدواج انها پس از یکسال نامزدی انجام گرفت. داود خان که در اصل اهل بم بود در انزمان خود معلم اموزش و پرورش بود. جوانی بود با فرهنگ و مترقی که وجودش در سالهای اولیه ازدواج شادی بسیار به خانواده کوچک مادر بزرگ به ارمغان اورد. بعدها که به شهر بم نقل مکان کردند رابطه انها بدلایل زیاد تغییر کرد. در هر حال در این عکس شادی و زیبائی از صورت و قد و بالای خاله ایران نمایان است

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

دبستان سعید/ خاله ایران در سال اول بعنوان معلم


دبستان سعید

مقامات اموزش و پرورش کرمان

اموزگاران دبستان سعید و شاگردان.
خاله ایران بعنوان معلم مدرسه.

نفر سوم زنان از راست

kerman, Iran 1944.

Education Authorities, teachers and students of Sa'id elementary school. My aunt Iran was a teacher at the school. Third woman from right.

My grandmother's was keen that at least one of her daughters completes her education and enter a profession. with my mother being married, aunt Iran had the opportunity to continue her studies and qualify for teaching. In the above photo, you can see her and a number of women sitting on the front row along with the head of education (in the middle with his hat on his lap) and male teachers as well as some students in the background. Whether it was her first or consequent appointment, I do not remember but what I remember is that she was in my primary school that I attended at the age of 5 or 6. She used to accompany me to school but leave me, terrified of the students and teachers in the courtyard and go to the office which was teacher's only resting area. She used to dress smartly but no make since she was not married yet.

مادر بزرگ بی بی عطیه که خود در نوجوانی بیوه شده بود راه برون رفت از ناراحتی های ما لی خود را در این دید که مادر مرا شوهر دهد و بعوض وسایل تحصیل خا له ایران را فراهم کند. و چنین بود که خاله ایران دبیرستان را تمام کرد و به استخدام اموزش و پرورش کرمان در امد . عکس با لا که در دبستان سعید گرفته شده است مقامات اموزش و پرورش، معلمین دبستان و تعدادی از دانش اموزان را نشان میدهد. خاله ایران نفر سوم از راست نشسته و در وسط رئیس اموزش و پرورش با سری افراشته بچشم میخورد! بیاد دارم که خاله ایران معلم مدرسه ای بود که مرا در سال اول در سن 5-6 سالگی ثبت نام کردند. من بعضی روزها باتفاق او که دختر جوان و زیبائی بود به مدرسه میرفتم. او بمحض ورود مرا در حالی که بشدت نگران بودم رها میکرد و به سالن محل تجمع معلمین میرفت. اولین دبستان که نامش را فراموش کرده ام در میانه بازار کرمان قرار داشت. ساختمانی بود قدیمی بسبک ساختمانهای کرمان. ما را صبح زود بصف میکردند تا با سرود شاهنشاهی روانه کلاس شویم. بیاد دارم که کلاس من در زیر زمین قرار داشت. من از ان سال ترس از محیط مدرسه و تنبیه را بیاد دارم که بخاطر چپ دست بودن توسط مادرم صورت میگفت. انقدر که من یاد گرفتم با دست راست بنویسم

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Kerman, Iran, family photo, 1938

Kerman, Iran

My parent's official wedding photo taken 3 days after the wedding,

عکس عروسی پدر و مادر که سه روز بعد از عروسی در سال 1317 گرفته شده است

My mother, Afagh was onlyt 17 years of age when she was married off to my father. My father Hassan was the son of a tribal chief who lived in the valleys and villages north of a town called Jiroft in the farthest parts of south-east Iran. A family of nomads, in winters, they would settle on the bank of river Helil in Jiroft which then consisted of scattered villages. In summers they migrated to the deep valleys where they owned land and orchards and their cattle had access to mountain pastures. My father's ancestors had lived in this fashion for as long as he remembered. My father's forefather was a man called Ghasem Shafi who according to my father had never travelled beyond the mountains. His tribe and his orchards were all he knew. My grandfather, Tajmorad had two wives, a daughter and several sons from the first wife but only two sons from the second wife, my fatyher Hassan and uncle Akbar. Safieh, his second wife was his favourite. According to my father, he was a kind and considerate father. One day he said his prayers and told his wife that he is going to die. And he lied down and died. My father Hassan, though very young was clever enough to take control of the household. Having no profession and deciding that he did not want to be a nomad, he began trade with the Zorostrian merchants in Kerman city. He would buy wheat, barley, cotton, hide and other local products from the locals and take them by mules to Kerman via treacherous mountain routes. As a suitable bachlor he was about to marry a girl from his village but travelling to Kerman opened his eyes and changed his mind. He wanted to marry a Kermani girl. So, he began asking around and his charms soon favoured him. The women of a family who became aware of his intention promised to matchmake for him. Soon the suitable bride was spotted and my father was advised to stand en-route a high school where my mother and her sister attended. She, young, happy and unaware of the plot, passed by that young man who eximined her head to tow and approved of her. Next, the matchmakers were busy gathering information, visiting my mother's relatives and finally my grandmother and put the proposal on the table. As was the custom, they exaggerated about my father's status, his wealth and his background. My grandmother, who was a widow of many years decided that marrying my mother would ease the financial burden from her and would let her younger daughter to continue her studies. The day my father came to formally ask the family to marry my mother, all my mother's uncles were present. It was a male only business to negotiate marriage deals. He entered a room full of men who were far more educated and knowoledgable than him but he managed to charm all of them and earn their approval. It was days later that my young mother was informed of the elder's decision. School was cancelled and she was married off in a simple ceremony to my father, not knowing what the future had in the womb of the future. Future sat waiting on the doorstep of time. The above photo shows my parents hand in hand, 3 days after their marriage. She looks so innocent and so resigend. He looks triumphant.


عکس بالا تنها عکسی است که گو یا سه روز بعد از عروسی از پدر و مادرم گرفته شده است. مادرم هفده ساله بود که طبق خواست مادر بزرگ و توافق دائی ها که در واقع بزرگتر خانواده بودند به ازدواج با پدر رضایت داد. پدرم حسن از طایفه شفیعی درمنطقه جیرفت بود و در واقع در نواحی شمال شهر جیرفت اقامت داشتند. خانواده او در زمستانها در حاشیه هلیل رود در دهی که متعلق به پدر بزرگ بود چادرنشینی میکردند و در اوایل تابستان به کوهستان های شمال منطقه جیرفت کوچ میکردند. پدر بزرگ سالار تاج مراد نام داشت و دارای دو همسر و چندین فرزند بود. همسر دوم او صفیه مادر حسن و اکبر بود و در واقع سوگلی پدر بزرگ. یک روز پدر بزرگ تاجمراد در سن کهنسالی به همسرش اعلام میکند که بعد از نماز خواهد مرد و هم این میشود. نمازش را تمام میکند، رویش را به قبله میکند و از دنیا میرود. او را در اطاقکی در پای زیارتگاهی بنام شعیب بخاک سپرده اند که هنوز هم پا بر جاست و در واقع با صفیه در ان مقبره خانوادگی که پدر نیز ارزرو داشت بخاک سپرده شود باقی مانده اند.

پدرم حسن پس از مرگ پدر با انکه فرزند کوچکنر بود اما با زرنگی سرپرستی خانواده را بعهده گرفت و از مادر و برادر تنی خود اکبر حمایت میکرد. از انجا که زندگی روستائی را دوست نداشت تن بازدواج با دختران محلی نداد. ارزوهای بلند تری در سر میپرورانید. پس از مدتی شروع به رفت و امد به شهر کرمان کرد و دریافت که میتواند بافروش و معامله محصولات محلی نظیر گندم و پنبه و خشکبار به تجار رزتشتی بازار کسب و کار کند و سالها باین کار اشتغال داشت. در همین اوان در صدد برامد که دختری کرمانی برای خود جستجو کند و قرعه بنام مادرم افاق افتاد که در ان زمان شاگرد دبیرستان بود. زنی که مادر را مناسب یافته بود به پدرم پیشسنهاد میکند که سر راه مدرسه مادر را ببیند و اگر خوشش امد ترتیب خواستگاری داده شود. مادرم در ان زمان دختری بود زیبا که بهمراه دوستان بی حجاب به مدرسه میرفت و پدر اورا در حال خنده و شوخی با دختران دیگر میبیند و می پسندد و از خانم واسطه خواهش میکند که ترتیب خواستگاری داده شود.

مادر بزرگ بی بی عطیه که خود از نظر مالی در تنگنا بود و ازدواج یک دختر را راهی برای ادامه تحصیل دختر کوچکترش ایران میدید با مسئله موافقت کرد. و در یک روز معین همه دائی ها در خانه مادر بزرگ جمع شدند تا مراسم خواستگاری بعمل اید. اولین عکس العمل دائی ها این بود که این جوان با انکه از منطقه روستائی میاید چقدر از خود راضی است اما پدرم حسن باوجود انکه کسی از افراد خانواده اش در انجا حضور نداشتند توانست با غلو در وضعیت مالی خود موافقت انها را بدست اورد. مادرم افاق یکروز اطلاع یافت که قرار است ازدواج کند و باید مدرسه را ترک کند. ازدواجی که با مرسمی ساده برگزار شد و در روز سوم عروسی عکاسی بخانه امد تا عکس بالا را بیادگار برای ما و تاریخ بر جای نهد. در این عکس پدر، مغرور و شادمان و مادر بی هیچگونه احساس دست در دست مردی نشسته است که سالها طول کشید تا او را بشناسد. سالهائی که در عکس های دیگر خانوادگی به شهادت نشستهاند.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Family photo, Kerman, My mother's family 1930s

عکس خانوادگی- خانواده مادری : معین زاده، ساعد وسعید
عکس در سال 1317 در کرمان گرفته شده است

Family photo 1938, Kerman
My mother's immidiate family on her mother's side.
Moieen-zadeh, Moini, Sa'id and Sa'ed.

Kerman is an ancient city amid the deserts of south-east Iran. The province of the same name comprises of a number of towns and villages which sprawl for hundreds of miles in and along the desert and also mountanious areas and valleys. The name Karmanieh or Kerman dates back to 7th century BC and is mentioned in the oldest maps. The city of Kerman is circled by dry barren desert and hills which stretch in every direction. Kerman had been a strategic route to the south of Iran and the Persian Gulf. Historically it had been invaded by many conquerors who had set ruins to it. But the Kermanis, being resilient as they were had built the city from ruins. Until recent decades, Kerman had the biggest Zorostrian population after the city of Yazd. Zorostrianism is the oldest religion known to man with their prophey Zoroaster who brought the Book Avesta which preached kindness and good manners. Today, Zorostrians are few in number as many had emigrated to foreign lands. In general, Kermanis had kept their ancient traditions and Islam has a strong presence in the centre as well as some cities. Kermanis speak Farsi but with a dialect which varies in the towns and villages. The dialect of Kerman city has a tenderness and warmth blended with kindness and humbleness. Kermanis had been famous for their hospitality. Kerman had also been famous for its carpet industry as for thousands of years it had imported the finest carpets to the rest of the world.

Kerman had not been a green city due to the surrounding deserts. Nevertheless, a network of subterranean water system which flows from the faraway mountains and its construction dates back to several thousands of years irrigates the city gardens and the plantations outside. In the old days, the architecture of the houses were suitable for the climate; crisp cold in winter, dry hot in summer. Houses were built around a central courtyard with a pond in the middle. The rooms in every house had high ceilings and doors opened to each room and onto the verandahs which led into the circular courtyard. Basements were also a necessary part of each house as they were used to store and preserve food such as bread, jams, pickles, bottles of distilled herbs and vegetables extracts; rose petals, mint, rosemary, oregano which were used to make cool sherbet in summer or for medicinal purposes.
More information: 1-Scent of Saffron (three generations of aqn Iranian family), Rouhi Shafii, Scarlet Press, UK, 1997.

2-Pomegranate Hearts, Rouhi Shafii, Shiraz Press, UK, 2006.

* * *

My mother's family had lived in Kerman for as long as their history could be traced. My grandmother's mother had been married off at the age of fourteen. According to my grandmother, she was so beautiful that no one called her by he real name (whatever it was). She was called Bibi Aroos (the lady bride) until her death in young age. Her husband, who was a desndant of some Shiat Immam(sayyed) came from a famous merchant's family(Moeen-al-tojar-respected merchant) and was dumb.

When Reza Shah came to power in 1926, he began the enormous task of building a nation-state out of various self-governing regions of Iran. In the 1930s along with other governmental establishments, he established the National Notary Office and urged the population to choose family names and to register their births and deaths. My grandmother's brothers chose Moeen-zadeh(born of Moeen/the trusted)as their surname. But the three sisters; Alieh, Elieh and Attieh took their husband's surnames. Of the four Moeen-zadeh brothers. Javad worked at Bank Shahi (the first Iranian bank), Kazem and Karim chose the tax office and the fourth became a police investigator.

My maternal grandfather, Ibrahim Sa'id was appointed as the first head of the Notary Office in Kerman. He travelled widely with an entourage to towns and villages and issued identity cards. Ironically, he met my father in Jiroft, where he decided to choose the family name; Shafii for himself and many members of his clan (he was a tribal chief) as one of his ancestors was called Ghasem Shafi'e.

My maternal grandfather died at a very young age, never knowing that that arrogant, tribal man would one day become his-son-in law. Unfortunately, no photo of my maternal granfather exists but according to my grandmother, he was a very gentle and kind person and loved his two daughters dearly. He used to oversee their upbringing and personally fed my mother, Afagh(the world) the best portion of meat when she was a child. He was keen that her duaghters; Afagh and Iran(taken after the country's name) finish their studies. My grandfather was also a poet(his pseudo name was Paysepar). His name had been registered in the history of Kerman's poets. In all, he wrote 250 lines of which, a few had remained in my mother's diary. His sudden death brought much hardship to my mother's family as my grandmother, Atieh was only 27 years of age when her husband whom she dearly loved, died of an unknown illness. At the time of his death, he was only 33, my mother Afagh 12 and my aunt Iran was 10 years of age.

* * *

The photo was taken in 1938 and it is an opening to my picture book. Most of the immediate members of my mother's family are present. It is after the unveiling period so men are very formal, wearing double-breasted suits; women, in tailor-made dresses, some with permed hair. I am not sure whose hoiuse it had been but it seems that it is a typical Kermani house and the photo was taken outside on the verendah.

From the right, my aunt Iran, as a teenager with short hair and patterned top, beside her is my mother's cousin, Esmat of the same age as my aunt and behind them, her brother Hassan khan. My mother Afagh has just been married to my father Hassan. She is third on the right in the front row wearing a well-tailored suit: long skirt and a jacket. My father is standing right behind her. Next to my mother is her third uncle's wife (I have forgotten both their names). In the middle is my grandmother, Bibi Attieh, in a two-piece dress with white collar; one leg over the other. The elder woman on her right is her sister Bibi Alieh whom I never met. and beside her is Marziah kihanum, my grandmother's elder brother's wife. I will speak about some of these relatives in more detail. The young girl beside Marziah khanum is Badri khanum, my grandmother's younger brother's wife and beside her, Ashraf, Javad khan's daughter from a first wife.

Standing from the right is my father, my grandmother's third brother. Standing from the left is my grandmother's younger brother Karim and beside him Javad khan. The rest of the children and adults are not known to me.

* * *
My mother's family on both her father and mother's side were very modern especially the men. My motherr's cousins on her fathert's side either joined the army or the navy. Mymother's uncles on her mother's side worked as civil servants at Reza Shah's newely-established administration. Javad khan worked at Bank Shahi (the first bank established in Iran). He was married with two children, when he fell in love with the daughter of a high ranking clergy (Seghat-al-Islam), Marzieh, who was a young student at the time. Their love story spread through town and poems were made about the clergy's daughter and the son of the dumb merchant who now worked at the Bank! The poems entered the folklore of the town, where people sneered at the whole saga. He eventually divorced his wife and married Marzieh.

In the late 1940s, he was transferred to Tehran where they bought a house in Bahar Avenue. Apart from the two children from his first wife; a son called Taj and the daughter Ashraf, who were treated as second class, Javad khan and Marzieh khanum had 5 children; two daughters and three sons. Uncle Javad was an educated man for his time and Marzieh khanum was modern and very chic. Their five children all got university degrees and some were sent abroad to study. The duaghters, Parvin and Shireen married high ranking lawyers. As long as I remember, they were the elite of the family!

When I moved to Tehran in early 1960, my grandmother accompanied me in order to settle me down. Whenever she went to visit her brother she took me with her to the house in Bahar avenue which was full of nice furniture and antiques. To me, as a young, inexperienced girl, they all seemed aloof and snubs. I hated these visitations as I had to wear my best dress and feel stressed all through the visit. As we grew older, I stopped all contacts with them.

My grandmother's second brother Kazem was the kindest and sweetest of all the four. Legend says that he was the casavova of his time and the darling of young girls. He played many tricks to meet his amorous in clandestine and avoided scandals in the traditional, ancient city of Kerman. Later, he married a girl who bore no children for him. He got a second wife but neither of them bore children. The two wives; Nosrat and Maryam lived together in the same household and had no jelousy towards eachother. When Nosrat was terminally ill in later years, Maryam nursed her to the last days. We visited this uncle a lot especially when he was posted to Esfahan and I was in Tehran. He used to tell us tales of the old days and amuse us all the time.

The third brother who was a police inspector moved to the city of Mashad with his wife and only son. We heard about them from time to time but never saw them. The fourth brother, Abdol-Karim was married with 5 children; three daughters and two sons. He worked at the tax office and was posted to Jiroft, my father's home town in the 1950s, where he lived for decades. The daughters now live in the US but we have not seen them since childhood.

My grandmother's sisters, Alieh and Elieh married at an early age and moved out of Kerman. Aleih Khanum moved to a Village/town called Gharyet-al-Arab(the village of the Arabs). She had three sons and two daughters. The older son, Fatol-alah khan who was very handsome moved to Tehran at young age. He married a woman from a distinguaished Tehrani family who was a few years older than him. His children moved to the US and he died in an old people's home in total misery. The second son, Hassan also moved to Tehran and was employed at Point 4, which was an American establishment. He spoke good English and adored anything American. He had three daughters from his Tehrani wife, Akhtar khanum. The elder daughter, Djinus moved to the US in the 70s but the two remaining who were twins had remained in Tehran. I particularly liked this cousin a lot since he helped me in the early years when I was a student in Tehran. I saw him for the last time in mid-1990s when I visited Tehran. He died of Azheimer's disease a few years later.

Alieh khanum's third son, Ahmad khan stayed in Kerman and married a woman from Kerman. He died very young of heart attack. I always met them when I was travelling to Kerman en-route to Jiroft and stayed a night or two at their beautiful, traditional Kermani house and was welcomed by his wife; Fatima khanum. Of his 5 children, a younger son died and one son lives in the US. The rest, two daughters and the elder son live in the Kerman province.
Of Alieh khanum's two daughters, Esmat married in their village and stayed there all her life. She didn't bear any children. Nahid, the younger sister was married to an army officer and moved around Iran every two years. When she finally settled in Tehran in late 1950s, Nahid got a brain tumor and died shortly, age 32. She left 5 young children behind who grew up under harsh conditions. The first year that I moved to Tehran in 1960, I stayed with Nahid and her family for a year and have vivid memories of her. We were all devastated when she died so young. All her children now live in Tehran.

My grandmother's second sister, Elieh khanum married a man from Rafsanjan and moved to that town. We rarely saw them and I have no information about the whereabouts of her children. I only have a cloudy memory of her when she had a stroke and was ill in Kerman. My grandmother used to visit her and take me with her.

Well, this is all I can say about most of the people in the above family photo. I will talk of my grandmother and the rest of my close family when I put more pictures of them in my picture book.


عکس خانوادگی
1317/ کرمان

این عکس در سال 1317 گرفته شده است

از راست به چپ: عصمت خانم دختر خاله مادرم که خدود پانزده سال دارد. خاله ایران در حدود همان سن و سال و در کنار انها مادرم افاق که بتازگی بازدواج پدرم در امده و هفده ساله است. مادرم کت و دامن بتن دارد و موها یش را اراسته است بلا فا صله پشت سرش پدرم ایستاده است با کت و شلوار و کراوات و مو ها یش را به عقب مرتب شانه کرده است
در طرف دست راست مادرم همسر یکی از دائی هایش نشسته است و بعد مادر بزرگ من ، بی بی عطیه با لباس یقه سفید پا ها را رویهم انداخته است. در کنار او خواهرش بی بی عالیه با پالتو کلفت و در کنار او همسر دائی بزرگ مادرم، مرضیه خانم کودک خردسالش را در بغل دارد. بدری خانم همسر دائی کوچک مادرم و اشرف دختر دائی مادرم در کنار او.
ایستاده از چپ، دائی جان معنیی همسر بدری خانم و دائی جان معین زاده همسر مرضیه خانم قرار دارند ازسمت راست، حسن خان ساعد، خواهر عصمت خانم و بعد پدرم حسن و دائی دوم مادرم ایستاده اند.
نمای ظاهری عکس نشان میدهد که اعضاء خانواده تا انجا که ممکن بوده است دور هم جمع شده اند تا این عکس تاریخی برای ما یادگار بماند
زمان بعد از کشف حجاب رضا شاهی است و با انکه بیشتر زنان حاضر در این عکس در ابتدا با کشف حجاب مخالف بودند اما بعد ها بیشترشان با لباسهای مد روز ان زمان خو گرفتند.
کشف حجاب در کشف کرمان با سر سختی بسیار از طرف خانواده ها و علمای انزمان مواجه شد.مادر بزرگ من در حالی که خود زن جوانی بود اما تا دو سال پا از خانه بیرون نگذاشت تا سرو صدای اولیه خوابید و او توانست با چادر بیرون رود. البته روبنده برای همیشه از میان رفت. مادرم اما بخصوص فبل از ازدواج بهمراه دائی ها در مجالس مهمانی که برای کشف حجاب از طرف فرماندار برگذار میشد شرکت میکرد و از اینکه نباید چادر بسر کند لذت میبرد.
خانواده مادری من تا انجا که تاریخ بیاد دارد کرمانی بودند پدر بزرگ مادرم از تجار بازار بود و از خانواده معین التجار. مادر مادر بزرگم در سن بسیار کم به عقد یکی از پسران معین التجار در میاید که اتفا قا لال بوده است و او را سید لال مینامیداند. این دختر جوان گویا انقدر زیبا بوده است که تا اخر عمر بنام بی بی عروس معروف شده بود. بی بی عروس از ازدواج زودرسش دارای فرزندان بسیار میشود: 4 پسر و 3 دختر. خود او اما در سننین جوانی وفات میکند که علت ان بر ما نا معلوم است.
مادر بزرگم نیز در سن جوانی بازدواج پدر بزرگم در امد اما ازا نجا که پدر بزرگ شخصی درس خوانده و شاعر منش بود رفتارش با همسر و دو دخترش، مادر من ، افاق و خا له ایران بسیار برعکس مردان روزگار خود بوده است. مادر بزرگ بی بی عطیه در سن جوانی و درحالی که دخترانش تنها 12 و 10 ساله بودند شوهر مهربان و شاعر خود را از دست میدهد. این فاجعه برای او و دخترانش اثرات نا گواری بر جای گذارد که بعدا بانها میپردازم. پدر بزرگ ابراهیم سعید شاعر بود و از وی حدود 250 قطعه شعر بر جای مانده است و نام او و همچنین تخلص او (پی سپار) در کتاب شعرای کر مان به ثبت رسیده است. پدر بزرگ بعنوان اولین رئیس ثبت احوال رضا شاهی بهمراه مامورانی به همه نقاط کرمان سفر میکرد و اهالی را تشویق میکرد تا برای خود و افراد خانواده شان شناسنامه بگیرند. در یکی از این سفرها به متطقه جیرفت، برای مرد جوانی که رئیس یک قبیله بود شناسنامه ای با نام فامیلی شفیعی صادر کرد بی خبر از انکه چند سال بعد انمرد قبیله ای با دختر جوان و دردانه اش افاق ازدواج خواهد کرد. مادرم افاق انقدر دردانه پدر بود که وی با دست خود برایش مغز قلم میپخت و باو میداد تا قوی و سالم بزرگ شود. عمر پدر بزرگ کوتاه بود و او در سن 33 سا لگی به بیماری نا شناخته ای گرفتار شد و بزودی از دنیا رخت بر بست. در یغ که از وی بجز اشعار پراکنده عکسی بیادگار نمانده است
از دائی های مادرم جواد معین زاده بزرگترین دائی، کارمند بانک شاهی، اولین بانک ایران بود. وی سالها قبل ازدواج کرده و صاحب یک پسر بنام تاج و یک دختر بنام اشرف بود که بنا گهان عاشق دختر جوانی میشود که نامش مرضیه و دختر روحانی مشهور انزمان، ثقته الاسلام بود. داستان این عشق بر سر زبانها افتاد و عوام برای ان اشعار هجو ساختند و بر سر کوچه و بازار میخواندند. دائی جان معین زاده بالاخره همسرش را طلاق داد و با مرضیه ازدواج کرد. مرضیه خانم انطور که ما او را میشناختیم زنی بسیار مدرن و شیک پوش و صاحب سلیقه و متفرعن بود. انها صاحب 5 فرزند شدند: سه پسر و 2 دختر. من از پسرها خاطرهای ندارم اما بیاد میاورم زمانی را که در سال 1340 من باتفاق مادر بزرگ بتهران امدیم تا من در دانشگاه بتحصیل بپردازم و مادز بزرگ گاه برای دیدن این برادر به خانه انها در خیابان بهار میرفت و مراهم نا خواتسته با خود میبرد. این بازدید ها برای من رنج اور بود چونکه میبایست لباس شیک بپوشم که در ان زمان کم داشتم و بسیار مواظب رفتار خود باشم. دختر بزرگ دائی جان ، پروین که گویا یکسال از من بزرکتر بود هیچ تلاشی در جهت نزدیکی با من نمیکرد و من بعد از انکه مادر بزرگ به بم بازگشت دیگر بدیدن انها نرفتم. بهر حال فرزندان این دائی همه روانه امریکا شدند و احتمالا اکنون نیز در انجا زند گی میکنند.
برادر دوم مادر بزرگ که نام او بخاطرم نمانده بعنوان بازجو یا کاراگاه در اداره شهربانی کرمان کار میکرذد و دارای یک فرزند پسر بود. بعدها وی به مشهد انتقال یافت و کسی از او خبردار نشد. برادر سوم که کاظم نام داشت با همه ما بسیار مهربان و نزدیک بود. کاظم خان کارمند اداره ثبت اسناد بود و بعدها رئیس ان. وی ابتدا با زنی بنام نصرت ازدواج کرد و سپس زن دیگری اختیار کرد که قبلا در خانه انها کار میکرد. من این دائی را زمانی که باصفهان منتقل شده بود بسیار میدیدم و از او خاطرات شیرینی در ذهنم بجای مانده است. دو زن او، نصرت و مریم در نهایت صلح و صفا با هم در یک خانه زندگی میکردند و با انکه هیچکدام صاحب فرزندی نشدند اما مصاحبلت با انها و دائی بخصوص زمانی که تریاک مفصل کشیده و نئشه بود و از خاطرات دوران جوانی و ماجراهای خود با دختران جوان کرمانی بازگو میکرد بسیار سرگرم کننده و دلپذیر بود. این دائی زیبائی را دوست داشت و ستایش میکرد و رفتارش انچنان بود که دو همسرش با هم دوستان صمیمی تا اخر عمر باقی ماتندند.
اخرین و جواتنرین برادر مادر بزرگ ، دائی جان معینی در دوران جوانی با مادر بزرگ و دختران او بسیار نزدیک بود و بهمراه مادرم تار مینواخت و با انها بمسافرت میرفت. اما بعد از ازدواج و با انکه در شهر محل اقامت مادرم ، یعنی جیرفت زندگی میکرد دیگر ان علاقه قبلی از میان رفته بود و انها بندرت همدیگر را میدیدند. دائی جان معینی دارای 5 فرزند شد :3 دختر و 2 پسر. از پسر ها یکیشسان از دنیا رفته است و ان دیگر در ایران است اما دختران گویا در امریکا زندگی میکنند. مادرشان بدری خانم هم تا زمان این نوشتار گویا در قید حیات است.
خواهران خانواده، بی بی عالیه در دهی بنام قریه العرب در نزدیکی بردسیر با شوهر و 5 فرزندش زندگی میکرد. فرزندان پسر او ، فتح الله، حسن و احمد همگی به کرمان و فتح الله و حسن به تهران نقل مکان کردند. فتح الله خان مردی بسیار خوش قیافه و بلاصطلاح ژیگو لوی زمان خود بود و با نواده صدر الاشراف ازدواج کرد که چند سال از و بزرگتر بود و از وی صاحب چند فرزند شد. سالها بعد فرزندان به امریکا مهاجرت کردند و او در تنهائی در خانه سالمندان از جهان رفت. حسن خان پسر دوم در تهران انگلسی را خوب اموخت و در اداره اصل چهار امریکائیها مشغول بکار شد حسن خان نیز با دختری تهرانی ازدواج کرد که خانم بسیار شیک پوش و خوش صحبت بود و از وی صاحب سه دختر شد که یکی از انها در جوانی به امریکا مهاجرت کرد و دو دختر دیگر در تهران ماندگار شدند. حسن خان در سالهای اخر عمر بالاخره بامریکا رفت اما زیاد ماندگار نشد و در تهران در اثر بیماری الزیمر د رگذشت. پسر خاله سوم، احمد خان در کرمان ماندگار شد و همانجا ازدواج کرد و صاحب فرزندانی شد که از همه بما نزدیکتر بودند. این پسر خاله مادرم همواره با روی باز از ما که در راه کرمان به تهران چند روزی در منزلش توقف میکردیم پذیرائی گرم میکرد و خانه قدیمی کاملا کرمانیش بروی اقوام باز بود. احمد خان در سن پنجاه سالگی در اثر سکته قلبی در گذشت .
فرزندان دختر عالیه خانم، عصمت و ناهید بودند. عصمت خانم در ده محل اقامت شوهرش اقامت داشت اما ناهید که دختر بسیار زیبا و جوانی بود و بازدواج کسی در امد که در ارتش مقامی داشت و هر چند سال یکبار به منطقه ای انتقال می یافت. سرهنک نادری بالاخره ماندگار تهران شد و خانه ای در خیابان شکوفه در چهار راه ژاله اجاره کردند. اولین بار که من در سال 1339 برای امتحان کنکور و ورود به دانشگاه باتفاق مادر بزرگ بتهران امدم در خانه خیابان شکوفه مستاجر انها شدم. ناهید و سرهنگ نادری دارای 5 فرزند شدند اما از بخت بد ناهید به بیماری تومور مغزی گرفتار شد و در سن 32 سالگکی فرزندان خردسالش را تنها گذارد. این کودکان که بزرگترینشان 16 سال داشت در شریط بسیار سختی بزرگ شدند و اکنون هریک سر و سامانی دارند.
از خواهر دوم مادر بزرگ اطلاعات زیادی در دست نیست. وی پس از زادواج به رفسنجان محل اقامت شوهر رفت و ما او و فرزندانش را کمتر ملاقات میکردیم.
برای اطلاع بیشتر به کتبی که در بالا نام برده شده است مرجعه کنید.