Akhtar's photo was taken in October 1961 in the Crystal Studios or Photo Crystal as it says in the back of the photo!

Three of my dear Friends: Top, Akhtar Bahri, EsmatDargahi ( right) and Fereshteh Afshar. Esmat's photo was taken in Studio Jan on Shahpour Avenue opposite Farhang Avenue in 1960.
Fereshteh's photo was taken in Studio Crystal, Ferdousi, opposite Bank Meli.
Fereshteh was one of the few very beautiful women I met in the first year of college. She worked in the library and always wore black. Later when we became friends she told me of her sad life at that young age. She married a man whom she had fallen in love with and had a baby son (Shahriar) who was 4 months at the time we became friends. Sadly, her husband who worked in the Iranian Oil Company died in an accident leaving her a widow at 20. Naturally, she was devastated and did not know what to do with her life. Later, she was given a job at the oil company and there she married one of her late husband's colleagues and had many children with him although she was never happy with her life. She moved to the US after the revolution and the last I saw of her was after the revoluti0on when she came to visit and that was it. Events scattered us everywhere across the globe but keeping the memory of our friendship and the images of our young age is keeping all of us alive aven after we are gone.
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